Saturday, May 20, 2023
Kerteh day 7&8: the tale of two malls
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Kerteh: day 3
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Kerteh: day 2
Thursday, September 29, 2022
batas psikologis kita
Pada suatu masa berlari sejauh 1 mil dibawah empat menit adalah kemustahilan, tidak cuma itu mencoba berlari secepat ini dianggap membahayakan kesehatan. Namun demikian Roger Bannister membuktikan bahwa kemustahilan ini hanyalah ilusi. Ia tempuh 1 mil dalam tempo 3:59 menit dan sejak itu sudah lebih dari 1500 orang mengikuti jejaknya. Impossible is nothing !
Yang masih belum berhasil ditembus diantaranta adalah berlari marathon dibawah tempo dua jam. Eliud Kipchoge, pelari dari Kenya, sudah berhasil memecahkan rekor ini namun catatan waktuya tidak resmi diakui karena dilakukan dalam setting macam laboratorium. Kipchoge berlari dibelakang sekumpulan pacer yang berlari dibelakang truk yang memancarkan sinar laser demi membantu para pelari tetap pada pace mereka.
Pada Marathon Berlin baru-baru ini Kipchoge berhasil mendekati batas psikologis 2 jam itu dengan finish 2:01:09 atau 30 detik lebih cepat dari rekor sebelumnya yang ia sendiri cetak empat tahun yang lalu. Secara statistik sebuah blog memperkirakan bahwa rekor dibawah dua jam akan berhasil dipecahkan sebelum 2032. Sepuluh tahu lagi. Namun rekor Kipchoge di Berlin kemarin memungkinkan bahwa -secara statistik- rekor dibawah 2 jam akan pecah tahun depan.
Kiranya bukan soal mungkin atau tidak melain soal kapan. Dan sekali lagi kita diingatkan bahwa impossible is nothing! Potensi kita adalah diluar batas yang kita sangkakan. Bahkan batas-batas itu bisa jadi tempurung yang membuat kita bahkan tidak mau mencoba dobrak.
Friday, September 9, 2022
'Mencari' Tuhan di zaman new normal
Pada sebuah pertemuan kring saya dengar warga membahas plus minus nya misa streaming. Yang plus tentu hal kemudahan. Dari rumah orang bisa ikut misa virtual dari paroki mana saja, jam berapa saja. Disisi minus ada orang yang malas datang misa ke paroki secara fisik. Kalau ada streaming misa mengapa perlu repot datang secara fisik ? Warga kring ini mengatakan orang-orang yang malas datang misa offline sudah menyalah-gunakan fasilitas ini.
Warga lain menimpali bagaimana ia dimasa pandemi memutuskan menjadi anggota Legio Maria - karena ia sangat merindukan pertemuan offline dan kebetulan Legio Maria seturut aturan organisasi mengharuskan pertemuan secara offline, secara fisik. Bisa dipertimbangkan bahwa gerakan kerasulan ini didirikan tahun 1921, jauh sebelum era internet.
Warga lain mengenangkan bahwa dari kecil ia diajari bahwa tidak ada alasan untuk tidak datang misa gara-gara orang merasa sedikit pilek atau flu. Ikut misa justru bisa menyembuhkan sakit ringan macam ini. Di masa pandemi tentu saja sedikit pilek bisa berarti positif covid dan menjadi lebih bijak kalau orang tinggal di rumah dari pada berisiko menulari orang lain. Argumen bahwa ikut misa bisa menyembuhkan bisa dipertanyakan, karena yang bisa terjadi justru ikut misa bisa membuat orang lain sakit, dan bahkan sakit berat.
Warga lain mengingatkan andai kita mengalami pandemi disaat kita tidak punya fasilitas online seperti sekarang. Isoman dizaman lampau bisa menjadi sungguh berat. Sekarang paling tidak orang bisa tetap ikut misa, meski virtual.
Pandemi membuka era 'new normal' yang mengajak orang untuk mengolah iman secara baru. Kalau dimasa lampau 'hadir secara fisik ke misa' adalah bukti bahwa orang sungguh mencari Tuhan - mestinya kriteria itu boleh dipertanyakan dizaman internet ini.
Kalau persatuan dengan Kristus bisa dialami mana kala kita menyantap roti dan minum anggur secara jasmani Covid membuat kita melihat sisi lain, bahwa persatuan ini bisa pula dialami secara rohani. Pilek sedikit justru membuat orang harus waspada akan kemungkinan menulari orang lain. Maka lebih baik tinggal di rumah.
Satu hal lagi yang perlu digaris-bawahi bagaimana mencari Tuhan lebih sering dipahami sebagai ibadah. Padahal ada sisi lain yang sama sahnya. Misalnya mencari Tuhan lewat perbuatan, lewat tapa asketis, lewat pertobatan pribadi. Hal-hal yang bisa dilakukan online atau bahkan dalam keheningan isolasi diri.
Thursday, July 14, 2022
Ready Farrokh ?
In one of Queen songs called "Crazy little thing called Love" you could hear a short question: "Ready Freddie?". That Freddie refers to the singer, Freddie Mercury and of course Freddie rhymes with Ready, obviously.
Freddie Mercury was born Farrokh Bulsara in Zanzibar to Parsi-Indian parents. He attended English-style boarding schools in India from the age of eight and returned to Zanzibar after secondary school. In 1964, his family fled the Zanzibar Revolution, moving to Middlesex, England. Having studied and written music for years, he formed Queen in 1970 with guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor. And the rest was history.
When did Farrokh became Freddie? When Farrokh was sent to a boarding school in Panchgani near Bombay, where he formed his first rock 'n' roll band, The Hectics. Its as during this period that Farrokh starting calling himself "Freddie". That means since relatively early age (before secondary school) young Farrokh saw himself more a Freddie than a Farrokh. More a Mercury than a Bulsara.
Shakespeare asked what is in a name? Apparently what someone or something is called or labeled is arbitrary compared to their or its intrinsic qualities. If that is the case then we might as well pick a name that would suit us better in achieving our goals.
A stage name is a pseudonym used by performers and entertainers—such as actors, comedians, singers, and musicians. Such professional aliases are adopted for a wide variety of reasons. A performer will often take a stage name because their real name is considered unattractive, dull, or unintentionally amusing; projects an undesired image; is difficult to pronounce or spell; or is already being used by another notable individual, including names that are not exactly the same but still too similar.
I am sure to his mom Freddie was still her little Farrokh. At home even a prophet is known with his boyhood name. He might be famous to the rest of the world but still he is our little Farrokh. However little Farrokh new that he was destined to become Freddie the superstar.
Our name is not our boundary. Our heritages should not limit us to achieve our maximum potential. We are all mercurial inside!
Ready Freddie?
Saturday, June 18, 2022
My IKEA bias
Almost in all the cities where I lived there is an IKEA store: KL, Brisbane, Perth, Groningen. Now there is one in my current city Bandung. IKEA was a unique experience for me. DIY furniture and Swedish food. Googling on IKEA impact the Swedish GDP I found that back in 2013, according to Statistics Sweden (SCB) and the National Accounts 2008, the manufacturing of furniture sector constitutes 0.63% of the national gross domestic product (GDP) or about 3700 Million USD which would rank 173th in the world (larger than Burundi in Africa.
IKEA is a multinational group of companies that designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture (such as beds, chairs and desks), appliances and home accessories. As of April 2022, there are 466 IKEA stores operating in 63 countries. The store in Bandung that I visited today is one the 11 stores in my country.
Once you visited an IKEA store you could say that you have visited all. The architecture is standard. If you only saw photo of one corner of the store (without any description to the name of the item) it would be hard for you to guess where the store is located. It could be in any of the 63 countries.
However you would taste the difference in the cafeteria. The one that visited this morning is very different to the ones I have been abroad. To be honest the taste is on lower end of the spectrum. Even the ones in KL - which is in the neighboring country of Malaysia taste better. Not sure if the distance to Sweden matters as the ones in Australia are better.
Not sure if I was bias, some kind of inferiority complex. Or it could also be due the more zeroes that I saw on the price tag. Using my quick math, converting the euro or ringgit, I could see that the price is pretty much on par But not the taste.
IKEA are the same here, there and everywhere, but NOT its cafeteria