Sunday, February 20, 2022

a memory of authentic mie tek tek

One of my favorite culinary of my hometown  is called "mie tek tek". Mie means noodle and tek-tek is the sound made by the peddlers as they walk around the neighborhood to peddle their product. They hit their metal wok with the spatula and hence that sound tek tek 

Apart from the noodle typically you would have some cabbages, shred of chicken, fried onion. It comes in two variants: dry and with broth. It is cooked using a brazier with charcoals. Of course you would ask the peddler to add enough chilly and without chilly they do not taste original. 

As time passed it becomes harder to find peddler of mie tek tek around. My brother claimed that the last time he met the peddler that used to be around our neighborhood was some ten years ago. I guess younger generation would prefer something else. Which is normal, but I do miss this culinary treat.

When I met one vendor recently I bought a portion mostly for a sentimental reason. It does not taste anything like I would imagine but at least I could tick my bucket list. I guess nothing would come close to my memories as it really is a construction of well memories. To have the authentic one would mean traveling back in time, to the house where I grew up etc. It is impossible of course.

But at least I would still able to taste pieces of that memories.  La Belle Époque

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