Saturday, April 2, 2022

what you didn't see

The human eye is tuned to detect only visible light, but there are other types of light, invisible to the human eye: gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet light, infrared light, microwaves and radio waves. To get a complete view of an object or event in the universe, astronomers want to detect as many different kinds of light as possible. Infrared astronomy helps observers peer into regions of space that would be invisible to us at visible (or other) wavelengths. Infrared-sensitive instruments give us new insights into the ongoing evolution of our cosmos. 

Obviously scientist have revised our understanding of the universe based on new data coming from infrared astronomy. Now we see what was hidden to our naked eyes or observation based on previously available instrument. The universe is what it always has been but depending our ability to "see" the universe was different for people in the past. 

Once we believed that the sun and the whole galaxies are circling us as the earth was the center stage of life and the universe for that matter. In fact in the past people even believe on flat earth and a young universe (created no later than 5500 BC)

Of course the universe is what it always has been regardless of what people would believe. For those who would deny what science has observed the choice is their. The impact of denying of what infrared astronomy might not obvious in our daily activities but fundamentally anchoring our understanding about the universe based on some belief that was developed in the past without any scientific evidence would indicate what kind of person we are.   

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