Saturday, June 4, 2022

Genetic lottery: Excuse to do nothing or do everything?

We inherit genes from our parents like it's a lottery — a game of luck. 

I saw one overweight guy this afternoon and I thought that he might inherited that tendency from his parents. I recall this term called "genetic lottery". Our genes are something that are definitely out of our control. Each of us were assigned to a set of genes which we inherit from our parents which they themselves inherit from their own parents etc. ad infinitum. The combinations are infinite and yet somehow we are what we are - genetically. 

I am sure that our genes limit us to some degree. I would not dream that I could play basket ball given my height. Not impossible but I would need super human effort to be one. Not to mention that the odds would be against me big time. Of course not able to be an NBA star is not the end of the world. Many great footballers are not that tall. Certainly outside sports I could excel in more that one fields. I could be a scientist, an engineer, etc. 

However one's genes would be a limit if they made the person prone to have some diseases, or even worse lethal diseases. In that case what we inherit is really our game of luck. Let us assume that guy that I saw this afternoon is obese mainly due to his genetics make up. Being obese would certainly exposes him to some health issues. Eventually his fate might be pretty much determined at least the probability are already fixed.

We know that probability have wide outcomes. Even the most unlikely outcome has its own probability.  This in itself should be enough for us to keep trying. Keep being positive. Keep believing. Our genes might be a lottery, but our determination belongs to us. Always



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