Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Blackout Blessings

My first blackout after quite a long time happened this morning. Of course it was not the first in my whole life but I tend to forget past blackouts and would expect that it won't and should not happen. But of course it happened without warning. The twitter of the electricity service mentioned that such black out was not planned and they themselves were unsure of the causes and they were doing their bests to resolve the issues, standard statement I guess, but anyone in their shoes would mention the same remarks. 

Now that the day has been resumed to normal course I have a chance to reflect that so many things in our life were taken for granted. We -not only assume- expect things to be working as we expect because they should - until they didn't

I think it is not our nature to constantly aware how things in our life were taken for granted. That would take a lot of awareness and grateful exercise. It is not impossible but I would thought that it is not our standard operating mode. I guess this is could be called hedonistic adaptation. We adapt quickly adapt to our current circumstances that we forgot our previous state of conditions. I would assume in itself it would neutral as we could get used to a new normal that is less favorable that the previous one (e.g. wearing masks and travelling less unless it is really necessary during the pandemic)

The other observation that I ponder today it that I tend to quickly dismiss all the time when I enjoyed the availability of  electricity. Basically you never miss the water till the well runs dry

Alas how quick do we forget to count our blessings 

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