Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Every thing they did were magic

Believe it or not, I ever played one cassette over and over until the tape lost the sound. Apparently each time we play a cassette the head of the tape player erodes a bit of the tape surface so that eventually nothing came out of the tape other than hissing noise. In my case that cassette was Aquarius produced The Best of The Police

I knew the band pretty late, well after Aquarius issued this cassette. Pretty bad for a person who thought he knew good popular music. This cassette was issued I guess around 1982. It  compiled best songs from The Police first four album. The Police had five studio albums. More on the last album later

When I was in my Junior High year I knew a guy who collected The Police album. I thought he was weird. At that time we were into discos and pops, but he collected this band's album with weird names like Outlandos d'AmourReggatta de Blanc and Zenyatta Mondatta. An the band called themselves The Police ? What a bunch of weirdos. But of course my weird friend (whom name I forgot, too bad, I wanted to congratulated him for his musical connoisseur) was all correct in a sense of collecting one great band's albums.  

Anyway I listened to this cassette over and over. I thought their music is great. I was crazy for the first two songs of Side A and one song on side B (Bring on The Night) were the highlights. I have never heard New Wave music before hence The Police was a complete novelty to me. They play reggae/ska, unique guitar sound, strange drum beat and of course great vocal from Sting. I tried to learn the chords but those songs were just too hard to me.

When the last album was issued it would not be possible to escape one day of radio listening without hearing Every Breath You Take. That song would appear in any compilation. Ask anyone who grew up as teenager in the 80s about this song and I am sure 90% would remember it. The Police were Gods.

Yes I learned the chords of this song, I thought it was strange that The Police played it in G# (standard guitar tuning) so I played it normal G. It required some kind of acrobatic fingering but it could still within my reach. When I saw the music video (pirated Beta videotape) I was blown away. The video was black and white. Sting played upright bass and it made the video more special.

When The Police were quiet and later disbanded I was really disappointed. How could a band so creative and successful would left the stage forever. There were reunions and remaking of an old song but of course The Police were over.

Of course nothing would last forever, I am grateful growing up in the 80s accompanied by these three musical geniuses who called themselves as The Police
Everything she do just turns me on

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