Thursday, February 3, 2022

Drowning in trash

This BBC article about food waste made me think about my contribution to the problem of waste in general. My mind concern is plastic. In time plastic would  be deteriorated and broken into small pieces called microplastics. Microplastics are harmful to our ocean and aquatic life. They also dangerous to humankind. The question is : would we return the a world without plastic ? I guess no. Hence how do we managed this useful stuff but dangerous as waste? 

Of course we often hear the cliché of of reduce, reuse and recycle. One article quotes 9% as the amount of recycling we do. If this is correct than more than 90% of waste are accumulated somewhere and as we only have but one planet eventually those waste would drown us.

No waste in nature - we know that. Nature has great mechanism to recycle everything nature produces. That is basically the circle of life. Leave by itself nature would exist indefinitely - well so long as the sun provides the energy.  But of course modern life would disrupt this balance of nature. To some degree nature would be able to absorb the impact but eventually it is overwhelmed and now we are experiencing the impact too

I hope that someday the technology to process plastics and other modern product would eventually save us.  Judging from the leap of technology development I am sure this is a wishful thinking. Until then I do hope my small contribution would at least buy us some time


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