Saturday, January 22, 2022

death do us part

In this country there is no "mixed" cemetary. Typically people of different religions are not buried in the same place/area.. For sure death people are not buried next to each other. Husband and wife of different religion would not buried next to each other. Hence in that case death do them part. 

I could not understand the logic behind this custom. Of course there would be a good explanation somewhere but still the logic would sound strange to me. Why do we have to separate dead people based on their religion ? They are no longer living so it doesn't really mater for them. 

Looks like the living care so much about this separation. Why so ? One explanation that came to my mind is that cemetary could be seen as place of worship. Or at least place where God exists. In our place of worship God would present and for sure the faithful would be convinced that this God is THE GOD that they believe, worship and pray to. Other God -if exist- is not invited or even would be driven away. 

Following this logic would be understandable that the living would want to have THEIR GOD to be present in their cemetary for the reason that they want to have the dead be accepted by their God to be ushered to their heaven. It would horrified if the dead met the wrong God on the other side and were judged wrongly and went to hell simply by mistaken ruling. One might wonder if such Omniscience God would make such fundamental error judgement simply by forgetting to check the religion of the soul.  

I guess such argument wouldn't be applicable for the cemetary of Atheists.  

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