Sunday, January 23, 2022

The superpower you would not want to have

A podcast suggests that the super power that you would not want to have is the ability to listen what people were thinking. Why so ? Because people might look supportive, all smiling, all encouraging but in their heads that might wishing all the bad things happen to us. 

I would be heart crushing if your friends are not really what you think they are. That all the friendships are all fake. Yes same fake friends could easily be identified, but some might not. Or what if our spouse is thinking something contrary what we would expect ?

Many books covers the art of reading body language, the authorities might use lie detector to check people's confession. But I guess to some extent there are things that buried so deep only we would know. Psychology might even suggest that we might some aspects that we ourselves do not even aware about.

If God were omniscience then I would bet that He would be disappointed or even disgusted to hear our prayers as He would know what we really think deep inside. We might praise Him in front of public etc. but of  course there is no way to hide from Him. Yet we believe that God do love us no matter what we do/think. Such would not sit well with people. If we had such superpower we would certainly react, make judgement, take action etc. Of course our limited sight made us taking wrong action as we would not now the total consequences of our actions. 

Guess such superpower would be better off to be left with God 


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