Tuesday, March 8, 2022

our cyber world

According to this book "nothing in the physical world is really secure". This book that I am referring to titled  "A History of Cyber Security Attacks: 1980 to Present". There you read a long list of cyber attack up to the year 2016. I am sure we do ask why can't we make the system more secured? The writer answered : If people want to focus and target something, more than likely they will obtain what they want (if they have the time, patience, and other sufficient resources behind them). Basically (bad) people would find a way to penetrate anything. It would be more scarier if behind those bad people are unlimited resources of money and talents. This article discusses about Russia cyberattacking the US. The Russian could attack even the water supply in the US.

I guess we could not just simply pull the plug and go back to paper and pencil era. That would simply be impossible. And of course paper and pencil won't prevent hackers to create a clever way to corrupt it. The only way is. 

The most realistic way to handle this potential threat is pretty simple in concept: firstly, DO NOT let our guard down and secondly we need to CONTINUE to ENHANCE our security in the cyber realm. Basically we are in a perpetual arm race with those bad guys. They surely won't stop testing our security and hence we should a step or two ahead of them. 

We could find tips on how to protect our data online. But at the end of the day what important is understanding that bad guys are always there around us lurking. We just have to do our own home work to protect ourselves. The world won't stop progressing in this cyber technology.  It is pretty much a swim or sink situation. Obviously we have to learn to swim !

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